The dough for Snickerdoodles (really WHO thought of that name?!) is very versatile. Here is the recipe and three variations. The final one, is made with a specialty flavoring called Fiori Di Sicilia which is available from It tastes like a Creamsicle cookie! I was very pleased with the experiment!
Snickerdoodles and Variations
Recipe from Orange Betty Crocker Cookbook circa 1979
Oven Temp: 375°
5 doz. Cookies.
1 cup butter
- 2 eggs
- 1 teaspoon vanilla
- 1 ½ cups sugar
- 2 ¾ cups flour
- 2 teaspoons cream of tartar
- 1 teaspoon baking soda
- ¼ teaspoon salt
- ¼ c sugar + 1 tablespoon cinnamon
Preheat oven.
Cream butter and sugar until fluffy. Add eggs, vanilla, salt, baking soda and cream tartar.Beat well. Blend in flour until well mixed.
For traditional snickerdoodles
Mix ¼ cup of sugar and tablespoon of cinnamon together in a shallow bowl.
Roll 1 inch balls of dough into mixture and place on cookie sheet about 2” apart.
Bake 9-11 minutes until cookies are lightly browned.
For sugar cookies add
- 1/2 teaspoon almond extract along with vanilla.
Roll dough in gourmet sugar or sanding sugar and bake 9-11 minutes.
For Citrus sugar cookies add:
- 2 teaspoons lemon extract
- 1 teaspoon lemon zest
- 1 teaspoon orange extract
- 1 teaspoon orange zest
- 1 teaspoon lime juice
- ½ teaspoon lime zest
Roll in gourmet sugar or sanding sugar.
Bake 9-11 minutes until cookies are lightly browned.
For Fiori Di Sicilia Cookies, replace vanilla with ½ teaspoon Fiori Di Sicicilia flavoring (available from King Arthur Flour Co. )
Roll in gourmet sugar or sanding sugar.
Bake 9-11 minutes until cookies are lightly browned.