Monday, January 9, 2012

Menu Planning

The past few weeks have not been my best meal weeks ever.  I've thrown together things at the last minute,  relied heavily on meals from the freezer and eaten a lot of pasta.  I've been reminded time and again over these last days that I work better with a menu.  Even if we don't keep strictly to the menu, it helps me to order my days more efficiently, shop more effectively and serve my family better meals. 

With the new year, and the need to renew our efforts at healthier eating, I am resolving to get back to menu planning.  Here is this week's menus.  I do mine on an Excel spread sheet and make notes when I need to plan ahead.  Perhaps they will serve as a springboard into new and creative meals, helping you to feed your family well.

Please note, I generally list only entrees, sometimes include sides, but not always... Knowing that i have a least a main dish planned is enough for me.

Monday           9-Jan           Vegetable omelets          
Tuesday           10-Jan           pork fried rice           prep chicken and wild rice soup
Wednesday           11-Jan           chicken and wild rice soup           blueberry muffins
Thursday           12-Jan           Roast chicken, mashed potatoes, corn  for Elisa :)
Friday           13-Jan           TUMC Prayer dinner     Lemon pasta with broccoli and chicken    
Saturday           14-Jan           hoagies                     
Sunday           15-Jan           pasta with meatballs           or meatball sandwiches

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