Thursday, February 2, 2012

Deciding is Half the Battle

I've been planning meals for 32 years, multiplied by 52 weeks, averaging 5 meals a week (with room for leftovers or meals elsewhere than home) and that comes out to about 8,300 meals.  Deciding what to have for dinner gets old and we often find ourselves making the same things over and over.  I like to try new recipes from time to time. is one of my favorite resources.  As my husband and I age and try to watch our diests, I lean more toward the recipes that come from Healthy Cooking, a sister publication of Taste of Home.  We aren't hardcore no-fat or no carbs or no salt, but seek to find balance in meals that focus on real foods prepared with good ingredients at home.   But again, I don't draw a hardline.  I have been known to prepare things with the proverbial cream of something soup and open a package of Betty Crocker potatoes from time to time!  

Here are some menu ideas that are coming up on my list.  I don't always keep to the list perfectly, but it helps me not to have what my friend Julie calls "the deer in the headlights" look at 4 pm when I realize it is time to make dinner.

February Meals
  • carrot broccoli soup, oatmeal muffins              
  • roast beef sandwiches (leftover roast beef)
  • crispy panko chicken, rice, peas       
  • pizza or out somewhere, please and thank you
  • spare ribs bbq chicken German potato salad (Jane’s recipe), veggies and dip
  • chicken parm with pasta, salad, italian bread
  • crock pot beef stew, Italian bread from Monday
  • Spanish rice with chicken               
  • mini meat loaf, baked potatoes, green beans
  • French toast                       
  • refrigerator options (I plan this in so I make sure to use up leftovers instead of tossing them.)

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